What a strange week it has been, what with a day off due to the holiday smack in the middle of my last week in my current job; but it seems appropriate to be celebrating Independence Day as I finally gain freedom from this position and move on to bigger and better things. I can scarcely believe that this is really my last day sitting here in this desk, having parked in the same garage, and driven through the same terrible neighborhood I have been coming through now for almost three years. The longest I have ever worked for one company was PetSmart, and that was at about three different locations. I have been coming to this same depressing, gray place for so long, I can't imagine what it will do to my perspective on life when I no longer have to be here. Apart from the location is the very nature of the job, being subordinate to everyone and relegated to the most menial of tasks, in spite of my capability to do much more. I hope to finally feel that I am fulfilling some of my potential, and to have the respect of coworkers, and myself. I hope that doesn't sound conceited, arrogant, or anything of that nature, but I really feel that I have more to offer than making copies and running paperwork from point A to point B.
It is strange to think that in a post not terribly long ago, I had basically snapped and decided to bail out on the prospect of a normal job altogether. Then I realized I was just terribly frustrated, and was making the same mistake of being impatient and immature that had gotten me into trouble in the past. So I endured. Having someone to tell me that it was my choice, and that he supported me no matter what happened made it possible. I couldn't quit when our future depended on both of us; it would have been terribly selfish and unfair. So I stuck it out, and made it through. Of course it was the same man who told me I could be free that facilitated me finding this position. I shudder to think where I would be, or what life would be like without him.
At any rate, I begin my new working life on Monday. I am very excited to see what this job will be like, and feel that I am finally stepping through the first door in a series of opportunities that will take me where I am meant to go. I never thought I would learn patience, but through the help of several people very close to me, patience has paid off and life is good. I think I might actually qualify as a grown up now.....
On a dog related note, we spent the early morning of the 4th swimming and chasing Frisbees at the park so that everyone would be too tired to care so much when the fireworks began. Surprisingly we had the park completely to ourselves, as I prefer it, and enjoyed a lovely morning before the heat set in. That evening, Kirby survived the barrage of pyrotechnics by wearing his thunder shirt and hiding behind the toilet. When it began to rain around 7pm, I thought we would gain a reprieve. Unfortunately, the storm passed quickly, and our neighbors blew things up practically in our backyard until late in the night. Fortunately, Kaylee was only spooked by one particularly loud boom. Xander, on the other hand, lounged about with all four feet in the air, blissfully oblivious of the commotion. What a life my dogs have, riding around in their fancy new crates, in the van we bought so they would be safer on the road (and because it has room for ALL my dog training equipment and I can still see in my rearview mirror). Buster loves the Element and his new kayak trailer that makes the prospect of going fishing so much easier, so everyone is happy.
Did I mention life is good?