Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Shrouded in Smoke

When I am away from this computer, I have so many great things I would like to write about. The awesome experience I had this weekend at Gabrielle's seminar, the super cool friendship bracelet from the Columbian couple who flew in to audit, my amazing students and the fantastic classes we had last night, and of course my amazing fiance with all he is conquering AND who took the time to clean the apartment while I was gone. Sadly, when I sit here at my desk, in a city choked with smoke that burns my eyes and nose, and try not to think about how much I hate where I am and who I have to spend all my days with, it all leaves me. I find myself checking out mentally to make it through the day until I can return to my few hours of freedom in the evening. Something has to change. Soon.


  1. You are preaching to the choir on this one. Especially about the "checking out mentally" part.

  2. Sigh...how's your plan for liberation going? BTW, I just read your Suicide Funnies....had me crying with laughter. And with sadness at the truth of them...
