Monday, September 12, 2011

Bridal Biscuit Birthday Blowout

What a weekend!

My North Carolina cousin and bridesmaid Kara made the long trip with her friend Julie the Cruise Director to spend the weekend with me and the gang. Kara, my other cousins and bridesmaids Jane and Becky, as well as my cousin Andie and her son Leighton all met at the Starbucks across from David’s Bridal on Saturday morning just before 10am. Kara caught us up on her life, as well as telling us about the all important trip to Krystals that Julie the Cruise Director had so carefully planned. Personally, I tend to plan for avoiding Krystals, but that’s just me. After a cup of java and some catching up, we got to the business at hand and headed to David’s Bridal.

Although Jane had thoughtfully made an appointment, the customer service at this particular store is consistently lacking. The employees were rude and quite often just ignored us, so we basically took matters into our own hands. Leighton was not in the mood to hang out in a bridal store, not that I can blame him. Even at less than two, he knows that this is nowhere for a man to be! Andrea took him home shortly after we arrived, so Kara, Jane, Becky and I proceeded to rifle through the bridesmaid gowns and color swatches. Although Becky had been yelled at last time for handling wedding gowns without an attendant, we were told that they basically didn’t care about the rest of the merchandise, so it was fair game! After some modeling and research, we picked three nice colors, and two nice designs that will suite everyone. Mission accomplished!

We then proceeded to the mall for lunch (and bridal biscuits) and to look at shoes and other things. This was followed up with a trip to Michaels and Hobby Lobby to look at decorations and for brainstorming. After 6hrs, we were all wiped out and headed home. The party was not over, however, as we reconvened at 7pm to celebrate Jane’s birthday with the entire family at Carabbas. We took over the middle of the dining area, and enjoyed a delicious meal before gathering at Becky’s house for presents and the world’s biggest cupcakes. (I ate the frosting, and Buster ate the cake, it’s a perfect relationship)

After celebrating and laughing well past 10pm, I was up again early to meet Jane and Kara for more planning. My beautiful girls stayed up past 2am on Saturday night doing research and working on a master plan and budget. I was amazed, and ever so grateful. If this was all left up to me, I’m afraid we would have been missing a lot, because I had NO idea where to start on my own.

Becky wasn’t up to hanging out with us, but we three spent the morning and early afternoon at Panera’s discussing the plan before hitting up the Dollar Tree, Joanne’s, and DSW. Kara had to leave at around 1:30 to meet up with her ride and head back to NC, so the weekend was over quickly! I came back home and took my poor neglected dogs to the park to make up for leaving them at home all day on Saturday. Afterwards, I took a nap! I was a bit overwhelmed after everything was said and done, but with my wonderful family, we will have an awesome event to look forward to!

Oh, and just to remind you that this blog is still mostly about dog training, Buster and I spent Friday night setting up an ISC JWW course I saw on facebook, and he filmed while I ran. It was so much fun! Enjoy!

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