Thursday, January 6, 2011

Welcome to 2011

Here it is folks, 2011. We all seem to act surprised when another year arrives, however, I think I would be more surprised if one didn't, so all in all it's a good thing. I've been meaning to start a blog for some time now, and at the risk of calling this a New Year's resolution, in which case it would almost certainly be doomed to failure, I will instead just call it the first of many new things to happen in this new year.

I can say without any hesitation that 2010 was the best year of my life. It started out a little rough, but with great promise, and quickly gathered momentum. My incredible boyfriend, my three amazing dogs, and myself all moved into our first apartment together in February. On my 30th birthday no less. This was the first of many new exciting things to happen, and without boring you with an entire list, included my first flight, trip to NY, trip to Niagra Falls (using my new passport for the first time and leaving the country for the first time), my first new car (I love my Element), competing with Xander (my baby border collie) in agility and frisbee and his first titles and first place ribbons, Buster and I celebrated our first anniversary together, we both got promotions at work, and now that I have in fact bored you with a list I will just say lots of fun and exciting things happened and culminated with an awesome holiday season.

So 2010 set the bar pretty high! I would like to say that 2011 will be as awesome as 2010, but I think it will be different. 2010 was a year of firsts, of beginnings and discoveries and adventures. I will always treasure that. It got the ball rolling in an awesome direction, and I feel that 2011 is going to be a year of carrying that momentum forward. A year of building, working, saving, and investing toward the future. I know that exciting and wonderful things will happen this year also, but my focus is going to be on the bigger picture, and long term goals. I want a house and a yard full of agility equipment. I want a really fulfilling, well paying job that thoroughly pushes my talents and capabilities. I want to pay off my debt and start saving more, and spending more wisely. I got a good start on this in 2010, now I really want to dig in and make it happen. In the meantime, I want to balance spending time and energy with the people I love, and working with my dogs and other personal projects.

So there it is. The first post of 2011, which has consequently been brought to you by the lovely cold I have been fighting, which finally knocked me down this morning. I may be hopped up on cold meds and go back to read this tomorrow and wonder what the heck I was thinking, but it is probably more honest than I could have written without the influence of psuedophedrin (and no Walgreen's pharmacy, I am NOT running a meth lab, thank you very much). So until next time, may 2011 bring you all the best!

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