Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Spring Makes Me Babble

Aside from the pervasive covering of pollen on every outdoor surface in Jacksonville that results in sneezing, itchy, watery eyes, and congestion, I am super happy that spring has sprung! Bless that little groundhog for being brave and not dashing back into his burrow. I am thrilled to be wearing my Vibram Five Fingers again when out teaching and running agility, not to mention flip flops and t-shirts when walking dogs in the morning. I hate layers and shoes and socks. Warm weather means freedom!!

Last February was a misery of endless days plunging to sub-freezing temperatures. We set a record for this last year. This year on the other hand, it was hitting 80 degrees before February was even over! Now it's March 1st....seriously, how did that happen already?!

My very first post of the year, and my first post in general, said that 2010 was so exciting that 2011 couldn't possibly top it, or even measure up. Buster had other ideas, and so I now find myself being introduced to his friends as "fiance." It has a nice ring to it. The ring is nice too ;)

Another event to look forward to is Buster's graduation from ITT Tech. He is trying to sell himself short and believes that it's not a worthwhile accomplishment. I could not disagree more vehemently. In addition to working his way up in Pepsi (he is enjoying his first week on a taylor-made, lucrative new sales route), he has spent countless hours in class, and more hours beyond that doing homework. For two years he has suffered long days and short nights of sleep to get where he is now. This is his last week of classes and we will be attending his graduation ceremony on April 1st. No foolin!

In addition to that, Buster's grandmother will be visiting from New York to attend the ceremony, and we've decided to throw in another trip to Universal Studios with her. Really, any excuse to go to Universal is good for us. We will also make a trip to St. Augustine with her, as that is another of our favorite local spots to visit when the weather is nice. Since she lives so far away, and in such a different climate, it will be fun to enjoy the novelty of Florida vicariously through her eyes. We are both excited!

Before that, Xander and I have a couple of USDAA shows, one here in town followed by another in Winter Park (one of my favorite sites). Winter Park is outside on beautiful grass and should be absolutely lovely in mid-march. Later in April, we will be taking all the pups to the big show in Perry, GA, as Buster has never experienced the magnitude of the Perry in April show. There will be every dog activity conceivable, from agility to flyball, confirmation to obedience, lure coursing, and shopping! (I won't be spending money, but it's still fun to look!) Our friends Chris and Carol will be coming too, and it is also their first time attending. Should be a party! Kaylee got her first MACH at the Perry in July show back in 2005, so it will always be a favorite site of mine.

I would also like to take the opportunity to mention how much my students rock and how much I love Monday nights. I feel more invigorated on Monday nights than any other night of the week. You've all worked so hard and I love seeing it show! As for myself, I am working on improving my peripheral vision in order to handle courses faster and smoother. Although I managed to trip over the same jump THREE TIMES last night while teaching, I did have some great runs with my kids after class. I am again looking forward to class with Xander Thursday night. Hopefully the weather will be as gorgeous as it was last night.

So although I'm being really good about saving money and paying off debt (my smallest credit card will be paid off in the next four months), there is still a lot of fun and excitement for 2011. Hooray for Spring!!

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