Thursday, May 5, 2011

The Daily Grind

No, I haven't dissapeared off the planet. My thumbs haven't been broken. I haven't gone blind or forgotten how to type. Sadly, I have had actual, boring, tedious work to do at my job and have had neither the time nor the energy to write anything interesting. I hope this will not be a chronic problem, as I have a few good posts bubbling around under the surface of my brain just waiting for the opportunity to come out.
The dogs are good, other than Kaylee's obsession with eating fecal matter and the resulting vomiting. Repeatedly. She never learns....Fortunately I have an amazing helper who is there and willing to clean it up when I have sprained my back, or leg, or butt, or whatever it was the rendered me unable to twist, bend over, or crouch Monday night after teaching. My students were fantastic though, and I am feeling somewhat improved today, so it was all worth it.
Buster bought a two and a half foot tall chocolate bunny from the sale rack of Walgreens for .25 cents. Truly magnificent.
The Vero Beach trial is a week away, and I am taking off next Friday (which happens to be the 13th) to play in the B Match and Time 2 Beat demo. I am VERY excited. Only one more day this week, four next week, and I will be heading south for some fun with my Xan Man. Buster and the corgis will try to get along without us for the weekend.
In other agility news, the World Team Tryouts are this weekend, and several of my facebook friends are in route to Minnesota. I am thrilled and excited for them, wish them all the most fun, and can't wait to see the videos!! I can never get enough....
Oh, and happy Cinco De Mayo! Bring on the tequila....

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